TreeSize Mobile helps to easily locate the big files on your Smartphone when it runs out of disk space. You don’t need to manually search for large files and folders which can take a long time. The file system is represented in a tree view and it shows you the size of folders, including their subfolders. It’s 100% Free.
TreeSize Mobile requires Windows Mobile with .NET Compact Framework 2.0 (or higher) (contained in Windows Mobile since version 6.0).
Download TreeSize Mobile
It also has a similar application which can easily locate big chunks of files & folders on your Windows – TreeSize Free
it will save a lot of time on mine.. hmmm thanks 🙂
When I run this it immediately crashes with an error about not being able to read directories. It appears to be trying to read the \Network path (which I would prefer it didn’t anyway). I tried connecting the wifi so that the \Network path is valid but it still crashes. Is there any way to get it to launch without immediately running so I can exclude the \Network path? (I’ve installed this on my HTC TyTN 2 running WM6.1)
plz send me
Dont download this! I had to do a hard reset cuz it deleted most of my programs. GRRR!
I’ve used Report and although its great, I’ve had better luck with WheresTheFreeSpace. It is Modeled after a PC application that is very popular called Treesize (but its for Mac).