Exactly a year ago, Instagram introduced Recently Deleted, a useful feature that allows users to restore deleted content. This means any photos, videos, stories, and reels you delete are moved to the Recently Deleted folder in the Instagram app.
The recently deleted content gets automatically deleted forever after 30 days. During those 30 days, one can either restore or permanently delete the desired content. Note that only you can see and recover deleted posts, stories, reels, or highlights on Instagram.
How do I see my deleted Instagram posts?
Until now Instagram users could find their deleted content by going to Settings > Account > Recently Deleted. However, after the recent update, you might not be able to find content that you’ve recently deleted. That’s because the new UI changes the way how you see recently deleted on Instagram 2024. Likewise, you might get lost when trying to find posts you liked on Instagram 2024.
Well, are you running the latest version of the Instagram app and have got the new “Your activity” experience? In that case, check the updated steps to go to recently deleted on Instagram. The below procedure is the same for both iPhone and Android.
How to see recently deleted on Instagram in 2024
- Go to your profile tab and tap the Menu button at the top-right.
- Select “Your activity”.
- On the ‘Your activity’ screen, go to “Recently deleted“ under ‘Removed and archived content’. Here you can view and manage content that you’ve recently deleted.
- Tap the relevant tab at the top to find your recently deleted profile posts, videos, reels, or archived stories.
You can also see the number of days after which a particular item will be permanently deleted.
How to recover deleted posts on Instagram 2024
To restore or permanently delete content from recently deleted in your activity within 30 days,
- Go to the ‘Recently Deleted’ directory and select the appropriate tab.
- Open the particular post you want to recover or delete.
- Tap the 3 dots (shown either at the top or bottom) next to a post, reel, video, or story.
- Select ‘Restore’ and tap Restore again to restore the content. The post will be restored either to your profile or archive, depending on its last origin.
- Or choose ‘Delete’ and tap Delete again to delete the content forever.
Sadly, there is no option to delete or restore multiple posts at once. Also, you cannot recover deleted reels drafts on Instagram.
How to see deleted stories on Instagram
As you may know, an Instagram story you share disappears after 24 hours. After that, stories are automatically saved to your stories archive unless you turn off the ‘Save story to archive’ option in Settings.
Meanwhile, unarchived stories (stories that aren’t in your Instagram archive) stay in Recently Deleted for 24 hours only. On the other hand, archived stories are automatically deleted after 30 days. This means that you can restore an unarchived story within 24 hours and an archived one within 30 days of deletion.
Now let’s see how to see and restore a deleted Instagram Story.
- Open the ‘Recently Deleted’ section in the Instagram app.
- Tap the Stories tab at the top.
- In the recently deleted stories, find and open the story you want to restore.
- Tap the ‘More‘ option (3-dot) at the bottom-right.
- Tap ‘Restore’ and select Restore again to recover the deleted story.
That’s it. People will be able to see your story again if you shared it within the past 24 hours or added it to your story highlights. Meanwhile, the story will be restored to your archive if you deleted it from your stories archive.
I updated my phone and now when I go to my activity, there’s only three options and recently deleted photos isn’t one of them. Can’t find it anywhere- help!
Go to Instagram settings and search for recently deleted.
I thought they got rid of the feature wow this helped a whole lot thank you.
Yeah same , I thought the feature was no longer available
This was so helpful. Thank you so much . God bless
This helped me out of a jam, thank you so much!
I deleted my post recently but I’m unable to restore it cause tht deleted post is not in recently deleted tab and its been 2 days since I deleted the post